Seip 40-AM Remote Coding Instruction


Remote-to-remote programming:

1. Open the casing of your already-programmed remote.

2. You will see a row of small programmable numbered switches. They are in the ON or OFF position.

3. Open the casing of your new remote.

4. You will see a row of small programmable numbered switches.

5. Set them in the same way as those set in your already-programmed remote.

6. Your new remote control is programmed.


Receiver-based programming:

1. Open the casing of your receiver. It is located next to your motor.

2. On the receiver circuit board, you will see a row of small programmable switches. They are in the ON or OFF position.

3. Open the casing of your new remote.

4. You will see a row of small programmable numbered switches.

5. Set them in the same way as those set in the receiver.

6. Your new remote control is programmed.


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